Welcome to
It is our privilege to provide information and tools that help others begin a journey toward being alive, whole and successful. As you get acquainted with this information we know you will discover the healthy sense of well-being and happiness God designed for you to enjoy as a person made in His image and likeness.
Throughout the year we write a brief article on a special topic related to healthy Christian living. You'll find many topics such as "Anger", "Procrastination", "Overcoming Hardship and Tragedy" or "Working with Difficult People".
This site is a treasure chest of ideas and resources. Explore the articles, books, CD's and services available to you, your family, your group or church. We look forward to meeting you soon. Please feel free to contact us at any time.
The Latest
Monthly Article:
Create a New Past - The Power to Choose.
One of the most freeing principles to learn is knowing your
life can be changed. The moment healthy, lifegiving choices
are made, a new history begins. "Create a New Past"
will provide hope and information on this life changing principle.
For more information, contact Dr. Day at 503-702-2288 or review his speaking schedule for other dates and locations where Dr. Day will be speaking.
New Release - Dr.Larry Day is pleased to announce the availabilty of the recently revised book, Self-Esteem: By God's Design! In it's third printing, its message has changed thousands of lives. Go to book information to learn more and review the endorsements.